If you're reading this, chances are you're someone who's tested positive for COVID-19, awaiting your test results, or you're just concerned for a friend or family member.
All of those things are fine but even if you don't fall into the categories above, it's still important to be informed because the pandemic is very much a part of our reality now.

With the Malaysian Ministry of Health (MOH) imploring asymptomatic people to stay at home due to an overload to the system and logistic issues, we need to talk about home quarantining.
So, here's a guide to effectively home quarantine.
First things first, who should be home quarantining?
According to World Health Organization (WHO), anyone who believes they have been exposed to the virus or has been tested positive with no symptoms should stay at home to prevent further transmission.
What are some steps you need to take immediately?
1. Allocate a separate room for the person quarantining, preferably with adequate ventilation. Other household members should stay separately.
2. If possible, other household members should use a separate bathroom. Otherwise, continuous sanitation is required.
3. Make sure to separate everything - cutlery, bedsheets, towels, clothes, and anything of that sort. Used items should be washed thoroughly with soap and water.
4. The one quarantining (you or your family), should stay away from all members of the household and try to maintain a distance of 6 feet from each other if possible. Everyone should wear a mask.
5. No visitors should be allowed.
6. Make sure to adhere to the rules above as strictly as possible especially if in close quarters with those who are ages 60 and above and/or have existing health issues.
What if you develop symptoms?
Make sure to monitor your body temperature using a thermometer twice a day and look out for symptoms such as fever, cough, troubled breathing, sore throat, body aches, and the flu.
If you develop any kind of symptoms, especially respiratory, get in contact with the healthcare officials as soon as you can.
There are more precautions you and your household members should take.
As for purchasing essentials such as groceries, try to get them delivered. If that's not an option, someone from your household should obtain groceries during non-peak hours.
Try to avoid public transport, stay 6 feet away from people, and be as quick as possible.
Take care of your mental health too.
Long periods of isolation take a toll on everyone. Practice self care.
WHO recommends that people limit their time reading or watching news relating to COVID-19 in a day.

They also recommend that people talk and connect with others as much as possible about their feelings and take care of their body.
Eat balanced meals, get enough sleep, practice deep breathing, and try to exercise as frequently as possible.
It's not always going to be easy but you got this. Stay safe and healthy.
For a full, comprehensive guide on home quarantining you can visit WHO or CDC.
Read more about COVID-19:
Malaysian COVID-19 patients are being told to quarantine at home due to system overload
The pandemic was harsher on women's mental health compared to men
The COVID-19 vaccine might prove useful for cancer and heart diseases
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