If, like me, you're not too exposed to the wonders of marine life, you'll probably have never heard of pink dolphins.
While they do exist, they're extremely rare. Even more so when talking about video or photo documentation.
A video out of Vietnam has been making its rounds, showing a pink dolphin frolicking in the water off Do Son beach in Hai Phong City.
The nearly one-and-a-half-minute-video shows a pink dolphin keeping a safe distance from the person recording the video, purported to be on a fishing boat.
The dolphin can be seen making multiple leaps into the air, breaching the surface of the water. But of course, if this was a regular grey-colored dolphin, it would just be a video of a dolphin. Period.
Seeing that it's pink, the reaction to the sighting was much more exciting, with many expressing renewed hope that nature was recovering. But this also isn't the first time that pink dolphins have been seen in Do Son beach, according to Vietnamese media outlet VnExpress.
The specimen seen in the video is believed to be an Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin, commonly found in the eastern Indian and western Pacific Oceans.
According to the BBC, some dolphin species change colors as they progress through different stages of growth and maturity.

A Chinese white dolphin. IMAGE: Ken Fung / BBC
They're not such a vibrant pink to begin with: Experts describe it as a 'slight tint' of pink.
Among Chinese white dolphins for instance, newborns are black. As they grow older, the color of their skin turns pink, and then eventually it turns white once they reach full maturity.

An Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin. IMAGE: EcoTourism Expert
The dolphin seen in Vietnam could very well be in that particular mid-stage of development, but there's no real way to tell unless you get up close.
According to local fisherman in Do Son beach, the appearance of pink dolphins brings with it good harvests, kind of like a lucky symbol or good omen. In this case, seeing the pink dolphins leads fishermen to believe they'll have a good shrimp and fish harvesting season.
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Cover image sourced from Ken Fung / BBC, used for illustration purposes only.