In the latest video gone viral, a video within the 'Karen' genre has swept the Malaysian masses for time being.
In the 16-second video, a female tourist is recorded mocking the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) staff.
@15minit Biadap keatas staff KLIA tanpa sebab? @missssssyl #klia #karen #karenontheloose ? original sound - 15gagmy
Though the original video has been deleted, copies of it have been reposted by other accounts.
User @15minit is among those who reposted the clip to TikTok. As of the time of writing, the video has amassed over 19.4K views, showing the angry tourist, rambling:
"This is my Norwegian passport, embassy on your motherfucking ass".
She continues to cross her arms and smile, before making kissing noises to the staff behind the camera.
According to SAYS, the woman has been fined RM100 (US$22.70).
The airport's police chief, Imran Abd Rahman explained that the woman was arrested on the basis of causing public disturbance at the airport, after her request to exit the plane, was rejected.
He, also explained that the tourist had boarded her plane, before realizing that she had left some of her belongings. Thus, awakening her 'Karen' sensibilities, that inevitably caused a scene.
"She was arrested, and we charged her with behaving inappropriately. She was fined RM100," confirms Imran.
Similarly, another viral video that also involved an angry customer and KLIA staff has also surfaced recently.
Although details are currently unavailable, the video displays a woman pushing off what seems to be a glass partition, given pre-existing COVID-19 safety measures. The reactions by staff that meet her, are brutal:
@yanaothmannn Korg Rasa Kalau dah begini sikap mcm xde adab? Masih boleh tahan ker? #fyp #蹿测辫シ?惫颈谤补濒 #fypdongggggggg #pramugarimalaysia ? original sound - yanaothman
There is something stirring in the KLIA air, it seems.
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Cover image sourced from @Kudsia_Kahar/Twitter.