Imagine being born with rock-hard muscles and a lean physique. You won't have to make any effort in staying fit, because you #WokeUpLikeDis.
That's exactly the type of life that Vietnamese 10-year-old Nguyen Hoang Nam is living right now.
The boy went viral after photos of his muscular build surfaced on social media, with many people likening him to Superman.
But Nam's superhero-like body isn't the result of an intense workout routine. In fact, the boy didn't have to put in any effort at all.

It turns out, he was born with a rare condition called Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy. People with this condition have less fat than others, and double the usual amount of muscle mass. But current research has shown that the condition does not lead to any medical problems.
Despite the boy's brolic appearance, it's important to note that his condition is not the same as Superman syndrome, aka XYY syndrome, which is usually characterized by a quick growth in height accompanied by learning disabilities.
But Nam can function just fine, like any other 10-year-old boy.
He aspires to become a body builder when he's older.
"My dream is to become a body builder in the future, because I saw the body builders on YouTube, and they looked really nice and professional," Nam told Ruptly.
His father also talked about the boy's fascination with body building.
"Since he was born, he's always been really gentle. He gets on well with his friends," said Nam's father. "When he saw me training, he often imitated me. When he was younger, most kids borrowed phones to play games, but he borrowed mine to watch body builders."

At school, the boy uses his abnormal strength to his advantage. While his friends prefer badminton and football as their recess activities, Nam would rather arm wrestle.
"At school, during break time, my friends often ask me to play shuttle cock and football, but I prefer arm wrestling because I usually beat them," says Nam.
If I could beat everyone in an arm wrestling match, I'd want to do it all day too, Nam. But it seems the boy has one foe he hasn't been able to defeat yet.
"There is a friend that I cannot beat. He's been held back at school, and he's big," Nam explains.

This kid has more back muscles than I do in my entire body. Welp.
Would you be brave enough to arm wrestle Nam?
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Cover image sourced from Sao Star.