Rare '1-in-100,000' albino turtle hatchling spotted leaving nestIt's got a pink body and red eyes.
Watch this albatross fail spectacularly at landing while a chick just watchesJust a regular day in the life of an albatross.
Completely new species of firefly discovered in Singapore after over 100 yearsSay hello to the Luciola singapura.
Thai zoo invites people to vote on a name for adorable newborn hippoAbsolutely adorable, whatever her name will be.
Indonesian fisherman finds baby shark with a human faceNot the baby shark you were expecting.
This weird rodent glows like an alien when you shine a UV light on itWelcome to the funky side of wildlife.
This deer had hair growing on its eyeballs, and it can also happen to usWhen your vision is literally blocked by too much hair.
PETA calls for end to 'ritualistic killing' of live animals during Thai military trainingWelp.
How to stop your cat from becoming a blood-thirsty mass murdererThey're deceptively-cute killing machines.
Today I learned some turtles can breathe through their buttholesMake butt-breathers great again!
This full-grown chameleon is barely the size of a sunflower seedIt's also critically endangered.
This cute little worm looks like it wants to hug you with its stumpy legsOf course, it doesn't actually want to hug you.
Singapore man captures grisly photos of crocodile ripping apart monitor lizard for lunchDamn nature, you scary.
Lazada to host virtual tour of Malaysia's struggling Zoo NegaraAn effort to save Malaysia's largest zoo.
Singapore hikers bump into huge AF crocodile blocking their pathA little too close for comfort.
Buddhist monk shelters vulnerable snakes in his Myanmar templeGood karma indeed.
Cute baby elephant hides behind lamp post when caught eating sugarcaneMidnight snacking.
That's not melted cheese. It's an extremely rare albino turtle.But let's be real. You definitely thought it was melted cheese.
5 adorable animal livestreams that will distract you from 2020Yes, please.
Don't buy the 'murder hornet' hypeGiant hornets, like you, need protein.
Snake bites this Thai man's penis while he was at the toiletOuch.
This rehab center in Bali rescues captive dolphins and provides them lifelong sanctuaryIt's run by US-based non-profit organization Dolphin Project.
Can A.I. play a role in preserving endangered animals such as orangutans? Yes, it can.All from the safety of their homes.
It's official, China has banned the consumption of wild animalsIt's because of COVID-19.
If you're having a bad day, these images of baby animals will bring you joyWildlife Reserves Singapore welcomed more than 660 newborns and hatchlings!
Sydney, engulfed in smoke, has a ghastly air quality problemWildfire smoke shrouds the Opera House in Sydney, Australia on Dec. 10, 2019.
These wildlife photography award finalists are breathtaking to beholdThey're all incredibly powerful in their own way...
Watch as Malaysian Wildlife Department rescues five elephants stuck in a ravineThe entire rescue effort took six hours.
What are the National Animals of Southeast Asian countries? Here's a list.All of them are either endangered or vulnerable.
Orcas are spotted for the first time in Terengganu as a tiger runs loose in a villageWhat a weird week for Malaysia.
Malaysian conservationists discover baby turtle with two headsBoth heads react to stimuli separately.
Giant jellyfish takes a swim with new diver friend, goes viralA giant, apricot-coloured jellyfish lurks beneath the ocean.
Veterinarians treat 'exotic' bird, realize it's just a seagull covered in curryNot curry chicken.
Judi Dench adopts three orangutans in a bid to save primatesShe adopted them during her visit to Malaysia.
Giraffes could soon be endangered due to their dwindling populationsSince the mid-1980s, the tallest land animal has seen its numbers shrink by 40%.
5 things you probably didn't know about the fossa, Singapore Zoo's latest residentIt's not as dumb as it was made to be in 'Madagascar'.
Elephants are the latest wildlife species to face extinction in MalaysiaThe Malayan Pangolin and Malayan tiger are
Dogs are a threat to nearly 200 wildlife species, scientists warnMan's best friend is nature's worst enemy.